Top "Vlookup" questions

VLOOKUP is a Spreadsheet function for retrieving a value from an array using a vertical lookup value and a positive column offset.

VBA - Excel : Vlookup crashes my program when no match found

In my program, the user types a Zip Code and gets as an output information related to the Zip Code (…

excel vba vlookup
Lookup using table with separated columns

I would like to use VLOOKUP() using a table input consisting of columns that are not next to each other. …

excel excel-formula vlookup
Perform a FIND, within VBA, from the bottom of a range up

Is it possible for Find to start from the bottom of a range and work up? I would like my …

excel vba find vlookup
Excel VBA VLookup - Error 13 - "Type Mismatch"

I am working on a Excel VBA Macro that gets the email of a client from another sheet. I am …

vba excel vlookup
How to map the sheet 1 data with sheet 2 with help of Unique ID?

I have created an excel sheet with the attributes ID, NAME in one sheet. SHEET 1: In another sheet, I have …

excel lookup vlookup excel-match
How to find location based on IP address in Excel

I've got a spreadsheet of about 5000 user events associated with IPs, and I'm trying to use IP to determine location …

excel location ip-address vlookup ipv4
Convert three letter country codes to full country names

I need to convert a few hundred three letter country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) to their full country name in …

excel excel-formula vlookup
VLOOKUP and Interpolating

I am trying to check a table for specific data and if i found the data it will display the …

excel excel-formula interpolation vlookup
R - Excel VLOOKUP equivalent - Lookup, replace

I have looked pretty much everywhere and cannot find the answer to this; R equivalent of VLOOKUP on Excel. VLOOKUP …

r vlookup
Excel Approximate Text Match

I'm trying to check how many strings in column A approximately match a string in column B. Example: If I …

string excel match vlookup approximate