Top "Vlc" questions

VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVD, Audio CD, VCD, and various streaming protocols.

Sending OpenCV output to VLC stream

This has been keeping me busy for a good part of the afternoon and I haven't been able to get …

python opencv vlc
Mosaic of RTSP streams VLC 3.0.8

I found a way to properly show mosaic of streams from RTSP cameras on VLC 3.0.8 and wanted to share the …

vlc rtsp mosaic
How to reduce latency when streaming x264

I would like to produce a zerolatency live video stream and play it in VLC player with as little latency …

c++ video vlc x264 libx264
Time code and filename prefix in VLC

I find this material, I try the time code of the …

time filenames vlc libvlc scene
How do I set the interlaced flag on an MKV file so that VLC can automatically play it back deinterlaced?

I've got an MKV file whose source is interlaced NTSC MPEG-2 video. I converted it to H.264 MKV with HandBrake, …

video-encoding vlc mkv matroska
Disable Windows service at application launch

Because of VLC conflict I have to turn off Windows Advanced Text Services at my application launch. Is there any …

c# .net windows vlc
Linux Shell: VLC programming

Is there a way to manipulate VLC with a Linux shell script without the script waiting for VLC to close. …

linux bash shell vlc
Increasing a file's volume using VLC CLI

My goal is to have a script that takes an audio file and increases its volume by 50%. I currently use …

audio vlc
vlcj Full Screen video player

I have done a video player using vlcj library of vlc media player. Here is my code to do that.. …

java swing awt vlc vlcj
Using youtube-dl and ffmpeg (or vlc) to transcode a YouTube live stream to rtsp rtmp udp rtp

I'm trying to use youtube-dl to transcode the YouTube NASA ISS live stream (or any YouTube stream) to rtmp or …

ffmpeg youtube vlc rtsp youtube-dl