VK is the largest European social network with over a 100 million active users.
I've tryed to parse song lyrics from biggest russian lyrics site http://amalgama-lab.com and save lyrics (translated and original) …
python parsing beautifulsoup vkIm trying to get email address. After success login i have firstname, lastname, all except email. please help. VK.Auth.…
javascript vkI'm trying to get an access token from vKontakte (russian social network) via their OAuth2 API. This is how I …
oauth-2.0 vkI'm trying to implement VK API, so thanks OAuth code I get a token and just add this scope offline,…
api vki need to share messages in vkontakte and post those messages in wall. please any one help me solve this …
android vkI'm creating a small google chrome extension for website, and I want to change some html on particular pages. The …
javascript google-chrome google-chrome-extension browser-history vkI want to automatically get vk.com embed code. I've already figured out how to get part of it http://…
php vkI want develop a music finder program. I choose music database, vkontakte. But I can't find the vkontakte api example …
c# vk