Top "Visualsvn-server" questions

VisualSVN Server is a commercial and proprietary Subversion server package for Windows operating system.

How to find out application name by PID (process id)

I'm trying to install VisualSVN server and have message "Specified TCP port is occupied by another service". How I can …

process pid visualsvn-server netstat
TortoiseSVN 1.71 and VisualSVN 2.51 will not connect after update

I updated VisualSVN to v2.51 and TortoiseSVN to 1.7.1 at the same time a few days ago. Before the update, using …

svn tortoisesvn visualsvn visualsvn-server
Getting specific revision via http with VisualSVN Server

I'm using VisualSVN Server to host an SVN repo, and for some automation work, I'd like to be able to …

svn http version-control visualsvn visualsvn-server
Tortoise won't connect to subversion server

I'm trying to setup my home server with a Subversion repo on it (after some changes). I uninstalled-reinstalled VisualSVN Server …

svn tortoisesvn visualsvn-server
what is the difference between tortoise svn repository and visual svn repository?

As far as I know, VisualSVN Server is a server while TortoiseSVN is a client. But I can also create …

windows svn tortoisesvn visualsvn-server
Difference between `svn add` and `svn commit` in Apache Subversion

What is the difference between Add and Commit in SVN? I understand that Add adds a new file to SVN …

svn tortoisesvn visualsvn-server
How to change where Subversion repositories are stored?

Newbie question: I just installed VisualSVN Server and created a repository. I noticed that it created it at C:\Repositories. …

svn visualsvn-server
Why does the Jenkins SVN plugin give error E170001 when connecting to my VisualSVN server?

What I know about the VisualSVN server: it supports Windows Active Directory authentication and "basic" authentication using my Windows username …

svn jenkins jenkins-plugins visualsvn-server
Import dumped SVN repo into VisualSVN Server

I have dumped my repository on my old computer to a file with the command. svnadmin dump C:\myrepo/ > …

svn import backup visualsvn visualsvn-server
VisualSVN Server password change

Has anyone come up with a way to allow remote users to change their own passwords in VisualSVN server? We …

svn passwords visualsvn-server user-management authz