Products and Extensions for Visual Studio which help you get the most out of Visual Studio.
For no reason, I have been getting this error message for a week or so; PM> Install-Package Elmah Install-Package : …
.net visual-studio-2010 nuget nuget-package visual-studio-extensionsI'm trying to make extension for VS2013 preview, here is my try on GitHub:…
c# visual-studio visual-studio-extensions visual-studio-sdk visual-studio-2013I have just upgraded the Visual Studio extension RazorGenerator to V1.5 (Last updated 10/14/2012) and now have the following problems. Each … visual-studio-extensions razorgeneratorI am coding up some design time code. I want to use this snippet: (Found here) var dte = (EnvDTE.DTE) …
.net visual-studio-2010 visual-studio envdte visual-studio-extensionsI have downloaded RDLC extension from visual studio 2017 Tools -> "Extensions & Updates" successfully & its showing me message …
visual-studio-2017 visual-studio-extensionsI'm trying to install an extension that's only supported on Visual Studio 2017. I'm using Professional, and I never had the …
visual-studio visual-studio-extensions visual-studio-2017