Top "Visual-studio-addins" questions

Add-ins extend Microsoft Visual Studio using the automation model (EnvDTE).

Nuget Feed Address

somehow my VS does point to the wrong feed ... what is the feed address ... not easy to find

.net visual-studio visual-studio-addins nuget
Visual Studio 2008 Plug-in / Add-in development - Getting Started

In relation to this stackoverflow question, how would I go about creating my own Visual Studio 2008 plug-in? I've checked the …

visual-studio plugins extensibility visual-studio-addins
Best spellchecker addin to VS2010

I'm looking good (preferably free) add-in to Visual Studio 2010 which is able to check spelling of my code (must analyse …

visual-studio-2010 spell-checking visual-studio-addins
"Visual Studio Integration Package" vs "Visual Studio Add-in": what is the difference?

When creating a new extension for visual studio, there are two project options: "Visual Studio Integration Package" and "Visual Studio …

visual-studio vsx visual-studio-addins vspackage
Visual Studio Add-In - adding a context menu item to solution-explorer

I'm developing my first add-in for Visual studio and we need to add a context menu item to the solution …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-addins
removing #region

I had to take over a c# project. The guy who developed the software in the first place was deeply …

c# .net visual-studio-addins region