Top "Visual-studio-2017" questions

Visual Studio 2017 (aka Visual Studio "15", includes C++ compiler version 19.

Strange issue with System.Net.Http not found

I have a strange issue, which drives me crazy… I have a simple Class Library Project (Full .NET Framework, 4.6.1) with …

.net visual-studio-2017 dotnet-httpclient service-fabric-stateless
How to disable Perfwatson2.exe from Visual Studio 2019

How do I disable Perfwatson in VS 2019? Perfwatson is not disabled by Tools > Extensions and Updates > Developer Analytics …

visual-studio visual-studio-2017
.NET Core app unable to start in IIS due to ErrorCode = '0x80004005 : 80008083

I have a .NET Core application. It runs locally with VS2017 and Kestrel. It runs locally under IIS. However, on …

iis .net-core visual-studio-2017 kestrel-http-server
How do I install Windows 10 SDK for use with Visual Studio 2017

I can't figure out how to install Windows 10 SDK for Visual Studio 2017. I downloaded and ran the Windows 10 SDK installer, …

c++ visual-studio-2017 windows-10 directx
ASP.NET Core: Exclude or include files on publish

There were before aspdotnet1.0 include/exclude sections on project.json file { "exclude": [ "node_modules", "bower_components" ], "publishExclude": [ "**.xproj", "**.user", "**.vspscc" ] } …

c# visual-studio-2017
SSDT installation issue (Failed to execute EXE package.)

I am having an issue with the SSDT installation for VS2017. I have ran the installer three times, once basic, …

visual-studio-2017 sql-server-data-tools failed-installation
Missing LINQ to SQL Classes (DBML designer) in Visual Studio 2017 RC

How can I add LINQ to SQL class (.dbml file) to Visual Studio 2017 RC. I can't find it. Please help, …

linq-to-sql visual-studio-2017
What do Yellow Warning Triangles mean on Dependencies in Visual Studio 2017?

I have just converted my PCL library to a new .Net Standard library and I have some Yellow Warning triangles …

nuget visual-studio-2017 .net-standard
Nuget - Package restore failed. Rolling back package changes for 'WebApplication1'. 0

It's my own custom nuget package that I've not published yet and testing locally. The nuget package consists of a …

c# nuget .net-core nuget-package-restore visual-studio-2017
How can I refresh the list of remote branches in my Visual Studio 2017 Team Explorer panel?

How can I refresh the list of remote branches in my Visual Studio Team Explorer panel? In the Visual Studio 2017, …

azure-devops visual-studio-2017