Top "Virtualizingstackpanel" questions

Arranges and virtualizes content on a single line that is oriented either horizontally or vertically.

Virtualizing an ItemsControl?

I have an ItemsControl containing a list of data that I would like to virtualize, however VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizing="True" does …

wpf virtualization itemscontrol virtualizingstackpanel
ListBox, VirtualizingStackPanel, and Smooth Scrolling in WPF

I have a ListBox that may have many rows of templated DB records, including an Image, bound to an ObservableCollection&…

wpf performance listbox scroll virtualizingstackpanel
What is the difference between a stackpanel and a virtualizingstackpanel in WPF?

What is the difference between a stackpanel and a virtualizingstackpanel in WPF?

wpf stackpanel virtualizingstackpanel
VirtualizingStackPanel + MVVM + multiple selection

I have implemented a selection pattern similar to the one described in this post using a ViewModel to store the …

wpf listview mvvm stackpanel virtualizingstackpanel
ItemsControl, VirtualizingStackPanel and ScrollViewer height

I want to display a important list of items using an ItemsControl. The reason why I'm using an ItemsControl is …

wpf itemscontrol scrollviewer virtualizingstackpanel
Synchronizing multi-select ListBox with MVVM

I have two views of some data: a list view (a ListBox now, but I've been meaning to switch to …

.net wpf mvvm multi-select virtualizingstackpanel
Scrolling to an element of a virtualising ItemsControl

I have a ItemsControl which displays its items in a ScrollViewer, and does virtualisation. I am trying to scroll that …

c# wpf itemscontrol virtualizingstackpanel
Is it possible to override the ItemsPresenter to use a Virtualizing StackPanel instead of a regular stack panel?

Background I have a custom control that inherits from a TreeView and is modified to display in a data grid …

wpf virtualizingstackpanel itemspresenter