Top "Virtual-path" questions

How to OpenWebConfiguration with physical path?

I have a win form that creates a site in IIS7. One function needs to open the web.config file …

c#-3.0 web-config webconfigurationmanager virtual-path
Get virtual path for a full path in asp classic

How can I get the virtual path for a full path in ASP classic. Note that the full path may …

asp-classic server.mappath virtual-path
How to get server path of physical path ?

I want to convert this physical path "C:\bla\bla\Content\Upload\image.jpg" to server path like "/Content/Upload/… path relative-path virtual-path
How do you convert a url to a virtual path in without manual string parsing?

I've seen similar questions and answers regarding conversions from virtual to absolute and url, but how can I convert a … url path virtual-path - The virtual path '/Master.master' maps to another application, which is not allowed

I have an master page located in the root directory of my site. I have a page in … master-pages virtual-path