Top "Viper-go" questions

This tag is for questions related to the Go Viper package for reading configuration data from files and other sources.

Reading in environmental Variable Using Viper Go

I am trying to make Viper read my environment variables, but its not working. Here is my configuration: # app.yaml …

go viper-go
Multiple config files with go-viper

Is it possible to load/merge multiple config files with Viper? Say I have a general config file containing configuration …

go viper-go
Cobra + Viper Golang How to test subcommands?

I am developing an web app with Go. So far so good, but now I am integrating Wercker as a …

go tdd viper-go
How do I use Viper to get a value from a nested YAML structure?

My question: How do I write the code below to get a string from my nested yaml struct? Here is …

go viper viper-go
Passing a string map as an environment variable in Go using Viper

For a project I'm working on I'm trying to pass a map of stings as an environment variable using Viper. …

go viper-go
How to bind config items in an array to environment variables

Here below is my configuration file in toml format. [[hosts]] name = "host1" username = "user1" password = "password1" [[hosts]] name = "host2" username = "…

go viper-go