Why colors are not displaying in VIM - OH-MY-ZSH

Earon picture Earon · May 6, 2016 · Viewed 15k times · Source

I have seen this post :

oh-my-zsh themes don't show properly (background stays white)

But nothing helped.

Problem is in MAC VIM Colors are displaying messed but in linux all colors are working fine.

I am using iTerm 2 as in tutorial but here's how colors are showing.

enter image description here

Why this is not working ?

I think it should be link this :

enter image description here

Here are my settings in iTerm2

enter image description here


wincent picture wincent · May 7, 2016

Test to see whether syntax highlighting is enabled in Vim. If you type :syntax on and the problem goes away then that's your issue, and you can correct it by adding:

syntax on

to your $MYVIMRC file (usually at ~/.vimrc or ~/.vim/vimrc; find out exactly with :echo $MYVIMRC in Vim).