E185: Cannot find color scheme solarized

David Tuite picture David Tuite · Jan 10, 2012 · Viewed 57.1k times · Source

I have Solarized installed via pathogen and it's been working fine in both terminal and MacVim on my Mac. Today, I tried setting up an Ubuntu box on Linode. I just cloned my dotfiles and symlinked to my .vim and .vimrc folders (this is the same setup as I use on my local machine.

Whenever I try to run vim on the Ubuntu box I get an error

Error detected while processing /root/.vimrc:
line   43:
E185: Cannot find color scheme solarized
Press ENTER or type command to continue

I can tell my .vimrc is being loaded because all other setting like line numbers are working.

The related lines in .vimrc are the following:

" settings needed for solarized colorscheme
syntax enable
set background=dark
let g:solarized_termcolors=256
colorscheme solarized

This is the setup of my .vim/bundle directory (incase you suspect I don't actually have solzrized in there!):

~  ls .vim/bundle 
ack                  coffeescript         liquid               snipmate             vim-colors-solarized vim-jst              zencoding
closetag             html5.vim            nerdtree             surround             vim-javascript       vim-rails

One other thing, running echo &t_Co in vim on the ubunto box gets me 256.

Any ideas?


Bodhi picture Bodhi · Feb 13, 2012

I was running into this problem just now, too. I had my call pathogen#infect() line in my .vimrc just fine, but was getting the

E185: Cannot find color scheme solarized

error, like you. I moved my call pathogen#infect() up to the top of my .vimrc and all is swell now. Try that if you're still having problems!