Git integration for the Vim editor
I am using vim with the fugitive extension. It has a :Gdiff command which brings you into vimdiff mode, but …
vim vimdiff vim-fugitivevim-fugitive side-by-side git diff is great for viewing diff of unstaged files. How can i use vim-fugitive to git diff …
vim git-diff vimdiff vim-fugitiveI am using lightline.vim and I would like to show the current git branch. At the moment, I am …
git vim vim-fugitiveI've installed bling/vim-airline hoping I could have that cool branch name in my status bar. I followed the instructions …
vim vim-plugin vim-fugitive vim-airlineI know that :Glog will populate the quickfix list with all the versions of the file in the current buffer …
vim vim-fugitiveI am editing files opened split into three windows. I want to commit those into the repository. Is there any …
git vim vim-fugitiveCurrently, if I type :Glog I get the list of revisions for the current file. If I type :Glog -- …
git vim vim-fugitive