How to play a List of video in Flutter?

Bobson Lin picture Bobson Lin · Apr 2, 2019 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I'm using flutter video_player package to play a list of video.

List sourceList;

sourceList = [
    "size": 69742504,
    "name": "lucky-roulette.mp4",
    "mimetype": "video/mp4",
    "size": 69742504,
    "name": "BigBuckBunny.mp4",
    "mimetype": "video/mp4",

I've checked out this issue, and did some custom codes upon it.

void play() {
  log.fine("Now playing: $_nowPlayingUrl");
  _adController =;
  _adController.initialize().then((_) => setState(() {}));;

void checkIfVideoFinished() {
  if (_adController == null ||
      _adController.value == null ||
      _adController.value.position == null ||
      _adController.value.duration == null) return;
  if (_adController.value.position.inSeconds ==
      _adController.value.duration.inSeconds) {
    // Change _nowPlayingIndex
    setState(() {
      _nowPlayingIndex = (_nowPlayingIndex + 1) % _totalIndex;

But use this code snippet would send out an exception Another exception was thrown: A VideoPlayerController was used after being disposed.

Is there a better way to play and loop a list of video in Flutter?


Brownsoo Han picture Brownsoo Han · Apr 19, 2019

Recently I tested video list example. please check the source in github FlutterVideoListSample. I think the video widget must be disposed.

In my case, I clear the old VideoPlayerController before initialize it. And I don't use chewie plugin that make new page in entering fullscreen so cannot handle the next video widget.

video_player: '>=0.10.11+1 <2.0.0'
some code in FlutterVideoListSample
VideoPlayerController _controller;

void _initializeAndPlay(int index) async {
  print("_initializeAndPlay ---------> $index");
  final clip = _clips[index];
  final controller = VideoPlayerController.asset(clip.videoPath());
  final old = _controller;
  if (old != null) {
    old.pause(); // mute instantly
  _controller = controller;
  setState(() {
    debugPrint("---- controller changed");

    ..initialize().then((_) {
      debugPrint("---- controller initialized");
      _playingIndex = index;
      setState(() {});