Top "Video-processing" questions

Video processing deals mostly with filtering video frames.

Multiple video sources combined into one

I am looking for an efficient way to do the following: Using several source videos (of approximately the same length), …

c# ffmpeg video-processing flash-video processing-efficiency
How to grab video frames in Qt?

I am new to Qt, I only know the basics: create interfaces and connect slots. In a few words, my …

c++ image qt4 video-processing opticalflow
Put Image above Video and save video in android

I'm writing application which must put image above the video and save video. In general application opens video file, after …

java android video-processing video-editing
How to convert a kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange buffer to UIImage in iOS

I tried to answer this in the original thread however SO would not let me. Hopefully someone with more authority …

ios uiimage avfoundation video-capture video-processing
How can I solve "Unable to open 'raise.c' " Error?(VSCODE , LINUX)

( OS and Version: Ubuntu 18.4 , VS Code Version: Vscode 1.4 ,C/C++ Extension Version:0.26) Hello, I have read all the articles about "…

c++ opencv ubuntu video-processing vscode-debugger
MLT, how to rotate a video 90 degrees and make the resulting height be the same as the original width?

I shot a video with my phone in portrait orientation (vertically), which now I need to edit to make it …

video-processing mlt
Decode video frames on iPhone GPU

I'm looking for the fastest way to decode a local mpeg-4 video's frames on the iPhone. I'm simply interested in …

iphone ios opengl-es video-processing gpgpu
stitching videos together using ffmpeg on the command line

Does anybody know how to stitch two (or more) videos together using ffmpeg (or another cli)? This is assuming that …

video ffmpeg video-processing video-encoding video-editing
Decoding H264 VideoToolkit API fails with Error -8971 in VTDecompressionSessionCreate

I am trying to write a Video decoder using the Hardware supported Video Toolkit Decoder. But if I try to …

ios xcode macos h.264 video-processing
FFMPEG Can't Display The Duration Of a Video

I'm trying to use ffmpeg to capture frames from a video file, but I can't even get the duration of …

c++ c ffmpeg video-processing libavcodec