I have a test bench that monitors a bus. Some of signals within the bus can be 1'bx. For a variety of reasons I need to know if any of the signals within the bus are 1'bx. What's the best way to test (not for synthesis -- only for simulation purposes) if a bus contains any x's? I had hoped that I could use a reduction or and then use ===, but this doesn't seem to work. Thanks,
You can use $isunknown
(refer to the IEEE Std 1800-2017, section 20.9 Bit vector system functions):
module tb;
reg [3:0] data;
initial begin
#5 data = 4'b0101;
#5 data = 4'b000x;
#5 data = 4'b1111;
#5 data = 4'b0x0x;
#5 data = 4'b0x1x;
#5 data = 4'bzzzz;
#5 $finish;
always @(data) begin
if ($isunknown(data)) $display($time, " data=%b has x's", data);
10 data=000x has x's
20 data=0x0x has x's
25 data=0x1x has x's
30 data=zzzz has x's
Note that this also treats z
as x