Top "Velocity" questions

How to access/get the size of an array/collection in velocity templates?

I am using velocity for email templates in my java/spring 3 app. How could I get the size of an …

java spring templates velocity
in velocity can you iterate through a java hashmap's entry set()?

Can you do something like this in a velocity template? #set ($map = $myobject.getMap() ) #foreach ($mapEntry in $map.entrySet()) <…

java xml velocity template-engine
Velocity can't find resource

Something is wrong and it is very frustrating. I read on velocity's homepage that when I run a webapp then …

java web-applications velocity
Velocity nulls and empty strings

In velocity I have a variable which its value is null. I don't want to display anything in that case. …

java templates velocity
"for" loop in velocity template

I already posted a similar question a week ago on How to use 'for' loop in velocity template?. So...basically …

loops for-loop velocity
Velocity and $foreach.count

I am using velocity 1.7 and within a foreach loop I want to print the count. In the template I have …

java velocity template-engine
Replacing variables in a word document template with java

I want to load a template word document to add content to and save as new document. I'm working on .…

java apache-poi velocity
How to format Numbers in Velocity Templates?

I am getting a java object in my velocity template. The object has a double value which I want to …

java velocity
How to use String as Velocity Template?

What is the best way to create Velocity Template from a String? I'm aware of Velocity.evaluate method where I …

java velocity
Loading velocity template inside a jar file

I have a project where I want to load a velocity template to complete it with parameters. The whole application …

java templates jar classpath velocity