Top "Vbscript" questions

VBScript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition) is an interpreted scripting language developed by Microsoft that is modeled on Visual Basic.

How to terminate process using VBScript

I have this VBScript code to terminate one process Const strComputer = "." Dim objWMIService, colProcessList Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=…

windows vbscript wmi kill
Access network share from within VBScript eg FileSystemObject

Is there a good way to access network shares from within a VBS script, with alternative credentials (not the credentials …

vbscript network-shares
How to call a VBScript file in a C# application?

I need to call a VBScript file (.vbs file extension) in my C# Windows application. How can I do this? …

c# .net .net-2.0 vbscript
How do I include a common file in VBScript (similar to C #include)?

VBScript doesn't appear to have a way to include a common file of functions. Is there a way to achieve …

vbscript include
Can I try to ping a website through a specific adapter?

I hope this isn't too basic a question. The title kind of asks it all. :-)

windows networking vbscript wmi
Check if an Object exists in VBScript

I'm maintaining a Classic ASP app written in VB Script by an outside company long, long ago. I have an …

asp-classic vbscript object
How do I return an exit code from a VBScript console application

I Have an old vbs script file being kicked off by an AutoSys job. Can I, and how do I, …

Check if folder is there, if not create it on current user logged in VBS

Currently this is my script Set oWS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' Get the %userprofile% in a variable, or else …

vbscript createobject create-directory
My script won't run under the task scheduler. Why?

I have a vbscript script that I runs fine when I am running it myself. For some reason, when I …

vbscript windows-server-2008 scheduled-tasks
Download a file with VBS

Ive got a VBS Script that,generates an url to download a file from a server on my network. I …
