How do I use WScript.Shell SendKeys to send Number Pad key strokes?

Brent Henson picture Brent Henson · Nov 3, 2008 · Viewed 30.7k times · Source

I am trying to use WScript.Shell SendKeys method to emulate sending a key press from the Number Pad.

I have an application that I am writing automated testing for using QTP. It is a Web Browser based application and the input is into a Java App within the web page. The input only accepts key presses from the Number Pad and the Enter key.

So far I am using this code:

Dim strInputKey
strInputKey = "{ENTER}"
Set objWsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Browser("Launch Browser").Page("Test Application").WebElement("Item ID").Click
objWsh.SendKeys strInputKey

This works fine for sending the Enter key, but I can't quite figure out if there is a way to send Number Keys. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am not sure if there are any undocumented ways of achieving this. I have read but it doesn't go into great detail.

Thanks in advance,

  • Brent


unrealtrip picture unrealtrip · Nov 4, 2008

You'll need to use the keycodes for the number pad.

Here's a list of them:

So to send "123", you would need to do:

objWsh.SendKeys chr(79) & chr(80) & chr(81)