Any good utilities out there for verifying VBScript syntax without actually running the script?
What I'm getting at is if I do something like:
If (year == "2005" && type == 1) Then
End If
Is there a tool that will tell me that the '&&' really should be 'And' and the '==', just '='?
If you don't want to run your script because you don't want it to actually do anything, then one method I've used is to put in a "WScript.Quit" statement at the beginning of the script (after the Option Explicit if there is one) then run it using cscript.exe or wscript.exe.
For example:
Option Explicit
Dim year
If (year == "2005" && type == 1) Then
WScript.Echo "Hello"
End If
This won't capture undefined variables (like "type" above), but it's an easy, quick way to check you've got the right syntax.