I have next userform developed in vba, which takes info from a worksheet for displaying info
I want to order all the info aphabetically by a Segment, this is the code:
Function llenarDatosTabla()
Dim vList As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = Worksheets(BD_PRODXSIST)
With ws
If (IsEmpty(.Range("AA2").Value) = False) Then
Dim ultimoRenglon As Long: ultimoRenglon = devolverUltimoRenglonDeColumna("A1", BD_PRODXSIST)
vList = ws.Range("AA2:AA" & ultimoRenglon & ":AL2").Value
If IsArray(vList) Then
Me.ListBox1.List = vList
Me.ListBox1.AddItem (vList)
End If
End If
Me.ListBox1.ListIndex = -1
End With
Set vList = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
End Function
how to make it ordered by 'AD' (SEGMENTO) column???
You can sort your Excel Worksheet in ascending order using VBA statement like the following:
Columns("A:XFD").Sort key1:=Range("AD:AD"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
Note: in the column range Columns("A:XFD")
instead of XFD
enter the last used column pertinent to your case, e.g. Columns("A:DD")
Hope this will help.