Top "" questions

Visual Basic.

VB.NET - How to move to next item a For Each Loop?

Is there a statment like Exit For, except instead of exiting the loop it just moves to the next item. … loops
The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions

I'm using SQL Server and ASP.NET. I have the following function: Using js = daoFactory.CreateJoinScope() Using tran = New Transactions.… transactionscope
Hiding and Showing TabPages in tabControl

I am trying to show or hide tabpages as per user choice. If user selects gender male then form for … tabcontrol tabpage
Classes vs. Modules in VB.NET

Is it considered an acceptable practice to use Modules instead of Classes with Shared member functions in VB.NET? I …
How to get text and a variable in a messagebox

I just need to know how to have plain text and a variable in a messagebox. For example: I can … messagebox
Mixing C# & VB In The Same Project

Can you mix vb and c# files in the same project for a class library? Is there some setting that …

Select distinct rows from datatable in Linq

I am trying to get distinct rows based on multiple columns (attribute1_name, attribute2_name) and get datarows from datatable …

c# linq linq-to-dataset
Multiline strings in VB.NET

Is there a way to have multiline strings in VB.NET like Python a = """ multi line string """ or PHP? $a = &…

How to get source code of a Windows executable?

I've got some old Windows executable files. How can I edit them with Visual Studio 2010? What are the ways to …

c# c++ visual-studio executable
How to have comments in IntelliSense for function in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio and C#, when using a built in function such as ToString(), IntelliSense shows a yellow box explaining …

c# visual-studio visual-studio-2008 xml-comments