Top "Linq-to-dataset" questions

LINQ to DataSet is a component of Language Integrated Query (LINQ) that provides SQL-style query capabilities against ADO.

Select distinct rows from datatable in Linq

I am trying to get distinct rows based on multiple columns (attribute1_name, attribute2_name) and get datarows from datatable …

c# linq linq-to-dataset
How I can filter a dataTable with Linq to datatable?

hi how i can filter a datatable with linq to datatable? I have a DropDownList and there I can select …

c# linq datatable linq-to-dataset
DataTable does not contain definition for AsEnumerable

Using linq to query a datatable returns the following error: CS0117: ' DataTable' does not contain a definition for …

c# linq-to-dataset
Fill Datatable from linq query

i am using the below code IEnumerable<DataRow> query = from c in at.appointmentcalendars.AsEnumerable() select c; DataTable …

c# linq linq-to-dataset
Select single column from dataset with LINQ

Just getting my head around all this LINQ stuff and it seems I'm stuck at the first hurdle. I have …

c# linq linq-to-dataset
Linq query to sum by group

I have a data table like this: Category Description CurrentHours CTDHours LC1 Cat One 5 0 LC2 Cat Two 6 0 LC3 Cat Three 18 0 …

c# linq linq-to-dataset
LINQ to DataSet, distinct by multiple columns

Just wanted to check if there is way to do distinct by multiple columns. Thanks in advance!!! BTW, I found …

linq distinct linq-to-dataset
Binding LINQ query to DataGridView

This is very confusing, I use AsDataView to bind query result to a dgv and it works fine with the …

linq linq-to-sql data-binding datagridview linq-to-dataset
Why is LINQ JOIN so much faster than linking with WHERE?

I've recently upgraded to VS 2010 and am playing around with LINQ to Dataset. I have a strong typed dataset for …

.net linq performance join linq-to-dataset
convert generic list to datatable using linq..?

List<Employee> objEmpList = new List<Employee>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { objEmpList.Add(new Employee(){…

c# linq linq-to-dataset