Top "" questions

Visual Basic.

How do I append a 'where' clause using VB.NET and LINQ?

I am pretty new to VB.NET and am having a bit of trouble here with something I thought should … linq where-clause
What is the KeyCode for ","(comma) and "."(dot) in .NET?

In my KeyDown EventHandler I need to know what is the KeyCode for "," and ".". I can't find them thats why …

c# .net enums keycode
String.Format("{0:C2}", -1234) (Currency format) treats negative numbers as positive

I am using String.Format("{0:C2}", -1234) to format numbers. It always formats the amount to a positive number, while …

c# string-formatting currency string.format
What is the best C# to converter?

While searching the interweb for a solution for my problems I often find helpful articles on a specific …

c# converter
Auto column width in EPPlus

How to make columns to be auto width when texts in columns are long? I use this code Worksheet.Column(…

c# .net epplus
Click a button --> Launch a *.exe file

Basically, what I want to do is launch an *.exe file when I click on a button. I want this … executable button launching
How to use IsNullOrEmpty in VB.NET?

Why doesn't the following compile in VB.NET? Dim strTest As String If (strTest.IsNullOrEmpty) Then MessageBox.Show("NULL OR …

.net string isnullorempty
FolderBrowser with textbox in VB.NET

I have a textBox which gets filled with a path, acquired from a database (but that's irrelevant). So I want … textbox folderbrowserdialog
Setting Objects to Null/Nothing after use in .NET

Should you set all the objects to null (Nothing in VB.NET) once you have finished with them? I understand …

c# .net memory-management null
How do I get the currently loggedin Windows account from an ASP.NET page?

I have an ASP.NET 3.5 application that uses ASP.NET forms authentication. I want to be able to get the …

c# security windows-identity