Top "Variadic-functions" questions

A function is variadic if it can accept a variable number of arguments; that is, its arity is not fixed.

How to "pass on" a variable number of arguments to NSString's +stringWithFormat:

I would like to write a function in Objective-C such as the one below, that takes a variable number of …

iphone objective-c cocoa nsstring variadic-functions
How to pass elements of an arrayList to variadic function

I've got an arrayList filled with elements. I would like to pass the elements of that array list as arguments …

java collections andengine variadic-functions
Why doesn't C++ support strongly typed ellipsis?

Can someone please explain to me why C++, at least to my knowledge, doesn't implement a strongly typed ellipsis function, …

c++ variadic-functions ellipsis
How are the MAX and MIN functions implemented in Fortran without support for variadic functions?

Unless I'm mistaken, there is no way in Fortran to write a function or subroutine with an arbitrary number of …

fortran variadic-functions fortran77 variadic fortran95
Unpacking an array into method arguments

As you know C# supports variadic methods through the params keyword: int Add(params int[] xs) { return xs.Sum(); } Which …

c# arrays syntax variadic-functions params-keyword
How to handle java variable length arguments in clojure?

I'am wrapping a java lib into clojure, but i have problems dealing with variable length arguments. Say, TestClass.aStaticFunction(Integer... …

clojure variadic-functions clojure-java-interop
Python trying to place keyword arguments after *args

I'm a bit confused about using *args. I want to write a function that takes a variable number of arguments …

python python-2.x variadic-functions keyword-argument
Varargs in method overloading in Java

The following code doesn't compile. package varargspkg; public class Main { public static void test(int... i) { for (int t = 0; t &…

java overloading variadic-functions java-6
Why doesn't Java's main use a variable length argument list?

I have a question about the syntax of the Java main declaration: public static void main (String[] args) Since you …

java main variadic-functions
Adding default arguments to variadic macro

Is it possible to add default arguments before variable argument in variadic macro? e.g I have the version of …

c++ c-preprocessor variadic-functions variadic-macros