A process of setting or re-setting the value stored in the storage location(s) denoted by a variable name.
I'm trying to store the ERRORLEVEL environment variable into a a local batch variable. But it always turns out to …
batch-file windows-7 variable-assignment errorlevelDoes the standard define precisely what I can do with an object once it has been moved from? I used …
c++ c++11 variable-assignment swap move-semanticsI'm using Buffered Reader to pass individual lines of a file to Java's StringTokenizer. The file is structurd as follows: "2,0";"12345";"…
java variable-assignment stringtokenizerI know about tuple unpacking but what is this assignment called where you have multiple equals signs on a single …
python variable-assignmentIn a for-comprehension, I can't just put a print statement: def prod (m: Int) = { for (a <- 2 to m/(2*3); …
scala variable-assignment println for-comprehensionIn javascript, if we have some code such as var a = "one"; var b = q || a; alert (b); The logical …
javascript variable-assignment logical-operatorsThis is really an odd problem, I've never encountered something like it. The following is a helper class I have …
java string types variable-assignment mismatchGiven the following class: class Foo { public volatile int number; public int method1() { int ret = number = 1; return ret; } public int …
java concurrency variable-assignment jlsI have a small piece of code and a very big doubt. s=['a','+','b'] s1=s print …
python variable-assignment delAm not new to JS or its syntax, but sometimes, the semantics of the language has me stumped at times. …
javascript object variable-assignment