How do access specific tokens with Java's StringTokenizer?

dwwilson66 picture dwwilson66 · Oct 3, 2013 · Viewed 15.2k times · Source

I'm using Buffered Reader to pass individual lines of a file to Java's StringTokenizer. The file is structurd as follows:


Here's the code I'm using--so far.

public class parse {
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("whidata0.txt");
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); 
    while((scrubbedInput=br.readLine())!=null) {
      StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(scrubbedInput, ";", false);
      int tokens = strTok.countTokens();
      while (strTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        tok01 = strTok.nextToken();
      System.out.println("  scrubbed: " + scrubbedInput);
      System.out.println("    tokens: " + tokens);
      System.out.println("     tok01: " + tok01);

I need to be able to assign each token in a string to a variable to do additional manipulation. However, if I assign those variable in my while loop, the iteration will overwrite my variables, and they will all return with the same value.

I'm trying to devide a way to do the following:

String token01 = strTok.tokenNumber(0);
String token02 = strTok.tokenNumber(1);
String token03 = strTok.tokenNumber(2);
String token04 = strTok.tokenNumber(3);

but cannot find any methods in the String Tokenizer documentation that will allow that. I can certainly write each line to a String array of thisLineOfTokens[] and use a for loop to create String tokenN = thisLineOfTokens[n], but is there a more direct way to access specific tokens?

I'm kinda lost about the best way to reference a SPECIFIC token from my string.


Gangaraju picture Gangaraju · Oct 4, 2013

You can use String.split for that instead of a StringTokenizer.

String[] split = scrubbedInput.split(";");

split[2]; //index=2