Top "Varchar" questions

A varchar or variable character field is a set of character data of indeterminate length.

How long should SQL email fields be?

I recognize that an email address can basically be indefinitely long so any size I impose on my varchar email …

sql varchar convention
Does index on Varchar make performance difference?

Does index on a varchar column make the query run slower? I can make that be int. and I don't …

mysql sql performance indexing varchar
alternative to listagg in Oracle?

listagg is a function introduced in Oracle 11.2! now this function is bugging us allot, we are migrating from MySQL to …

sql oracle varchar clob
SQL unique varchar case sensitivity question

I'm trying to populate a SQL table with a list of words. The table itself it pretty simple: CREATE TABLE …

mysql sql case-sensitive varchar unique-constraint
What is the best column type for a United States ZIP code?

I want to store Zip Code (within United States) in MySQL database. Saving space is a priority. which is better …

mysql int varchar
What are the optimum varchar sizes for MySQL?

How does MySQL store a varchar field? Can I assume that the following pattern represents sensible storage sizes : 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,255 (max) A …

mysql varchar
Max size of varchar(max) in SQL Server 2000

I would like to know what is the maximum size of varchar in SQL Server 2000. While I was googling somewhere …

sql-server sql-server-2000 varchar
How will changing the mysql field type from INT to VARCHAR affect data previously stored as an INT

I need to update a field in my production db from INT to VARCHAR. The information in the current INT …

mysql varchar
Convert GUID to varchar(32)

How can I convert a GUID which is 36 characters to a VARCHAR(32)? I'm trying to copy data from one table …

sql sql-server ssms guid varchar
varchar(max) everywhere?

Is there any problem with making all your Sql Server 2008 string columns varchar(max)? My allowable string sizes are managed …

sql-server-2008 varchar