Top "Validation-controls" questions

Why ValidatorValidate() validates all the RequiredFieldValidator controls on the page?

In following code Why ValidatorValidate(v) validates all the RequiredFieldValidator controls on the page? It should execute only RequiredFieldValidator1 not …

javascript requiredfieldvalidator validation-controls
Range Validator is not working in Minimum and Maximum Value

I have applied RangeValidator on TextBox. But it always shows me error : Invalid Range, though I have given minimum value 10 … rangevalidator validation-controls
Custom Control referenced by 'RequiredFieldValidator' cannot be validated

Question: How do I correctly extend a custom control to work with the RequiredFieldValidator? I've read this, but trying to …

c# custom-controls requiredfieldvalidator validation-controls
firing both onclientclick and Client side validation from validation control on button Client click

I have few ASP Text Box controls on a Page, to which Custom Validators are added. I have Save Button, …

javascript onclientclick validation-controls