Top "Valet" questions

Laravel - valet 404 not found

I have a laravel project which was working fine in http with php artisan serve. But I was working on …

php laravel https laravel-valet valet
PHPInfo / Valet - Two different PHP versions

OK so I am experiencing something quite odd. My phpinfo() shows one version while php -v shows another. I am …

php laravel valet
Error when starting mariadb - no such process

I installed mariadb via homebrew to set up a wordpress enviroment. It is meant to work with laravel valet. I …

mysql wordpress laravel mariadb valet
PDOException::("PDO::__construct(): Unexpected server respose while doing caching_sha2 auth: 109") with MySQL 8 / PHP 7.2 / Laravel

I just installed my dev environnement. When I try to connect mysql db via SequelPro, I get: Authentication plugin 'caching_…

mysql laravel mysql-8.0 valet