Puppet 2.7.19 Vagrant version 1.0.6 VM OS Ubuntu 12.04 I am attempting to set the puppet module path from vagrant. Which seems like …
ubuntu-12.04 puppet vagrantHere is my #!/usr/bin/env bash apt-get update apt-get install -y apache2 apt-get install python-pip if ! [ -L /…
python bash vagrant vagrantfile vagrant-provisionI'm trying to sync folders from a windows 10 hosto to a ubuntu guest but I get this error: $ vagrant up …
vagrant vagrantfile vagrant-windowsI'm new in Windows. I use Windows 10. While I run vagrant on my machine, there are some issues with UID. …
windows vagrant virtualbox vagrant-windowsVagrant won't mount folders. Tried so many solutions, nothing worked. Versions: Vagrant 1.8.1 / Ubuntu 15.10 / Virtualbox 5.0.16 vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up …
vagrant virtualbox vagrantfile hosts ubuntu-15.10As the title says, I've go a clean install of Laravel 5.4 and the latest Homestead (1.0.1). However, when I run a …
php laravel vagrant virtualbox homesteadIs it possible to add a script to a Vagrantfile that answers a prompt. I am provisioning a ubuntu box …
vagrant docker vagrantfileI'm running Laravel on Vagrant Box (homestead) When I'm doing vagrant up, I'm getting a message: : A newer version of …
laravel vagrant homestead