Possibly doing something extremely stupid here but I can't find any documentation on what could be causing this. Setting up …
puppet vagrantI recently tried to install a VM with vagrant but "vagrant up" always failed with the error: Mounting NFS shared …
nfs vagrantI'm having trouble getting vagrant box running. I tried the solution in this thread: Vagrant stuck connection timeout retrying. No …
laravel-4 connection localhost vagrant vagrantfileI just upgraded my mac OS from Catalina to Big Sur. My vagrant used to be working normally before and …
vagrant virtualbox macos-big-surUpon vagrant up, the guest box is getting assigned the wrong IP address and causing the following error: ... ... SSH address: …
vagrant virtualbox ip-address connection-timeoutWhen using vagrant and chef as provisioner, I've got this warning: [web] Chef 11.12.2 Omnibus package is already installed. [web] Running …
chef-infra vagrant chef-soloIs there a way to get Vagrant to display the output of the provisioning tool as it runs, rather than …
command-line ssh vagrant provisioning configuration-managementPS C:\vagrant_projects> vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Checking if box 'opentable/…
vagrant winrmIm using Laravel 5.3 in Homestead with Vagrant 1.8.7 running on VirtualBox. I have need to enable some php extensions. I know …
php laravel vagrant homestead php-extension