A UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) is an identifier that is created with the intent of being, as the name suggests, universally unique.
I have a table TestTable with columns ID as binary(16) and name as varchar(50) I've been trying to store an …
java mysql primary-key uuid sql2oWhy are there dashes in a .NET GUID? Are there dashes in most implementations of a GUID, or is it …
.net guid uuidI am working on a system that makes heavy use of pseudonyms to make privacy-critical data available to researchers. These …
standards uuid human-readableidentifierForVendor is not supposed to change on reinstall of app: The value in this property remains the same while the …
ios uuid uniqueidentifierI am using user's device UUID to get unique device. NSString *currentUUIDString = [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString]; I know that UUID …
ios icloud uuid keychain uniqueidentifierIs there any way to get the UUID the dSYM file has from the application in runtime? I tried with …
ios uuid dsymPossible Duplicate: UIDevice uniqueIdentifier Deprecated - What To Do Now? As I expect you are aware of, the uniqueIdentifier in …
ios5 uuid uideviceWhat happens when a UUID() generated by MySQL is not unique? If this is for a column that is a …
mysql uuid uniqueidentifier unique-key