Top "Utf8mb4" questions

Unlike its `utf8` encoding, MySQL’s `utf8mb4` encoding offers full Unicode support (including four-byte UTF-8-encoded symbols).

utf8mb4 in MySQL Workbench and JDBC

I've been working with a UTF-8 encoded MySQL DB that now needs to be able to store 4-byte emojis, so …

java mysql jdbc mysql-workbench utf8mb4
Django MySQL 'utf8' is currently an alias for the character set UTF8MB3, which will be replaced by UTF8MB4

I am using Django 2.0.4, MySQL 8.0.11, mysqlclient-1.3.12 and Python 3.6.5 on Mac Sierra. I am receiving the following warning: /lib/python3.6/site-packages/…

mysql django utf-8 utf8mb4
Using SQLAlchemy and pymysql, how can I set the connection to utilize utf8mb4?

I discovered (the hard way) that MySQL's UTF8 character set is only 3 bytes. A bit of research shows I can …

python mysql sqlalchemy pymysql utf8mb4
Characters appear as question marks in MySQL

I have a problem saving unicode characters in MySql. Initially my database character set was set to latin1 and unicode …

mysql unicode utf8mb4
Migrating MySQL UTF8 to UTF8MB4 problems and questions

Im trying to convert my UTF8 MySQL 5.5.30 database to UTF8MB4. I have looked at this article…

mysql utf-8 migrate utf8mb4
IOS cannot decode emoji unicode in json format correctly, and Emoji icons are displayed as squares

I am working on an iPhone app which allows people to send messages with Emoji icons. I saved the icon …

ios encode json emoji utf8mb4
MySQL - Invalid utf8mb4 character string on update

My question is almost exactly the same as the one found here MySQL - 1300 - Invalid utf8 character string on …

character-encoding mysql-5.6 utf8mb4
iPhone emoticons insert into MySQL but become blank value

We are developing an iPhone app that would send emoticons from iPhone to server-side PHP and insert into MySQL tables. …

php iphone mysql utf8mb4
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported character encoding 'utf8mb4'

I am writing an app that is going to heavily use utf-8 encoding. For the server I'm using java servlets, …

mysql utf8mb4
Mysql server does not support 4-byte encoded utf8 characters

I've received a server error running a Data transfer component from Sql Server to MySql db. The error message reads …

mysql utf-8 character utf8mb4 astral-plane