A UserControl is a separate, reusable input control that allows a user to interact with an application.
this is my very first post! I'm pretty desperate so I'm going above and beyond my standard googling. I believe …
c# asp.net user-controls dynamic-controlsI'm looking for a way to (preferably) strongly type a master page from a user control which is found in …
c# asp.net master-pages user-controlsAnyone know of a custom control that looks like this Volume control http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/9366/volumecontrol.png and …
c# winforms user-controls custom-controls trackbarI have a user control (gallery.ascx) and I want to use the photo.ascx control in the gallery control. …
c# asp.net user-controls ascxI have ItemsControl with Grid as ItemsPanelTemplate <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding CellCollection}" Name="CellGrid"> <ItemsControl.ItemsPanel> <…
c# wpf user-controls itemscontrol visual-treeI'm trying to figure out if there's a way to Invoke ToolStripMenuItem. For example,I am calling a web service(…
c# winforms user-controls invoke contextmenustripSo far, I have this: <UserControl x:Class="MyConcept.ExpanderPanel" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:…
wpf xaml user-controls contentpresenterI have a UserControl with multiple fields that I would like to have bound to a BindingSource. I would also …
winforms user-controls bindingsourceI posted a question a couple of days ago about viewstate and after running some tests I have come to …
c# asp.net user-controls viewstatei'm new and using the login control with the ASPNETDB visual studio generated user database i set a maximum bad …
c# asp.net visual-studio user-controls aspnetdb