Top "Urllib2" questions

urllib2 is a builtin python 2 module that defines functions and classes to help with URL actions.

Python - unhashable type error in urllib2

>> url = '' >> data = {'x_login': 'abc123', 'x_type': 'AUTH_…

python exception urllib2
Remote Authentication in SharePoint Online

I am attempting to write a script with SharePoint package to access files on my company's SharePoint. The tutorial states …

python python-2.7 sharepoint urllib2 office365
How can I see all notes of a Tumblr post from Python?

Say I look at the following Tumblr post:… It (currently) has 292 notes. I'd like to …

python beautifulsoup urllib2 tumblr
Timeout a file download with Python urllib?

Python beginner here. I want to be able to timeout my download of a video file if the process takes …

python urllib2 urllib
Python code like curl

in curl i do this: curl -u email:password How i can …

python curl urllib2 pycurl
Python urllib2 cannot open localhost on alternate port (not 80)? Error 10013

Here is my import BaseHTTPServer import SocketServer class TestRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.wfile.write("…

python error-handling localhost urllib2 httplib
how to resolve "urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 111] Connection refused>"

I found sample code at which I modified slightly from …

python urllib2 virtuoso sparqlwrapper
how to follow meta refreshes in Python

Python's urllib2 follows 3xx redirects to get the final content. Is there a way to make urllib2 (or some other …

python redirect refresh urllib2 httplib2
Are urllib2 and httplib thread safe?

I'm looking for information on thread safety of urllib2 and httplib. The official documentation (…

python thread-safety urllib2 httplib
How to set TCP_NODELAY flag when loading URL with urllib2?

I am using urllib2 for loading web-page, my code is: httpRequest = urllib2.Request("http:/") pageContent = urllib2.urlopen(httpRequest) …

python sockets urllib2 urlopen setsockopt