Top "Urllib2" questions

urllib2 is a builtin python 2 module that defines functions and classes to help with URL actions.

urllib3 maxretryError

I have just started using urllib3, and I am running into a problem straightaway. According to their manuals, I started …

python urllib2 urllib urllib3
Using client certificates with urllib2

I need to create a secure channel between my server and a remote web service. I'll be using HTTPS with …

python ssl certificate urllib2 mutual-authentication
ValueError: unknown url type

The title pretty much says it all. Here's my code: from urllib2 import urlopen as getpage print = getpage("www.radioreference.…

python parsing urllib2 urllib traceback
urllib2 HTTP error 429

So I have a list of sub-reddits and I'm using urllib to open them. As I go through them eventually …

python urllib2 reddit http-status-code-429
Why does this url raise BadStatusLine with httplib2 and urllib2?

Using httplib2 and urllib2, I'm trying to fetch pages from this url, but all of them didn't work out and …

python urllib2 httplib2
Python form POST using urllib2 (also question on saving/using cookies)

I am trying to write a function to post form data and save returned cookie info in a file so …

python cookies urllib2
Making HTTP HEAD request with urllib2 from Python 2

I'm trying to do a HEAD request of a page using Python 2. I am trying import misc_urllib2 ..... opender = urllib2.…

python python-2.7 urllib2 head
Permanent 'Temporary failure in name resolution' after running for a number of hours

After running for a number of hours on Linux, my Python 2.6 program that uses urllib2, httplib and threads, starts raising …

python urllib2 httplib
Posting raw data with Python

I'm playing around with the Google Checkout API and I want to pull it into a Django app. I need …

python post curl urllib2 pycurl
how to handle "getaddrinfo failed"?

Hallo, i have problem. i use mechanize, python 2.7 to connect some sites (the code is not important right now) i …

python urllib2 urllib urlopen