Top "Urllib" questions

Python module providing a high-level interface for fetching data across the World Wide Web.

urllib.quote() throws KeyError

To encode the URI, I used urllib.quote("schönefeld") but when some non-ascii characters exists in string, it thorws …

python unicode urllib2 urlencode urllib
urllib3 maxretryError

I have just started using urllib3, and I am running into a problem straightaway. According to their manuals, I started …

python urllib2 urllib urllib3
ValueError: unknown url type

The title pretty much says it all. Here's my code: from urllib2 import urlopen as getpage print = getpage("www.radioreference.…

python parsing urllib2 urllib traceback
Python: How to get the Content-Type of an URL?

I need to get the content-type of an internet(intranet) resource not a local file. How can I get the …

python python-2.7 urllib
What command to use instead of urllib.request.urlretrieve?

I'm currently writing a script that downloads a file from a URL import urllib.request urllib.request.urlretrieve(my_url, …

python python-3.x python-requests urllib
Python standard library to POST multipart/form-data encoded data

I would like to POST multipart/form-data encoded data. I have found an external module that does it: http://atlee.…

python encoding post urllib multipart
how to handle "getaddrinfo failed"?

Hallo, i have problem. i use mechanize, python 2.7 to connect some sites (the code is not important right now) i …

python urllib2 urllib urlopen
Python 3 - TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

I'm working on a lesson from Udacity and am having some issue trying to find out if the result from …

python-3.x urllib unicode-string
Python 3.6 urllib TypeError: can't concat bytes to str

I'm trying to pull some JSON data from an API using urllib in Python 3.6. It requires header information to be …

python urllib
How to download any(!) webpage with correct charset in python?

Problem When screen-scraping a webpage using python one has to know the character encoding of the page. If you get …

python character-encoding screen-scraping urllib2 urllib