Top "Updatemodel" questions

p:selectOneMenu does not set value in bean

Quick question. This hasn't happened to me before when working with SelectOneMenu. This is my code. <h:outputLabel for="…

jsf primefaces selectonemenu updatemodel
Is the Rails update_attributes method the best choice for doing an update of a model in the database?

def update @album = Album.find(params[:id]) if @album.update_attributes(params[:album]) redirect_to(:action=>'list') else render(:…

ruby-on-rails model controller updatemodel update-attributes
Entity Framework - Update Model From Database... - no update happens!

I have a table in my DB called CompanyDetails. It has a column called CharacterID varchar(255). I just changed it …

.net entity-framework updatemodel
Update existing database with Entity Framework Code First in MVC

In my MVC application I used Entity Framework 6 and created database with code first approach. After a certain time, I …

sql-server entity-framework ef-code-first updatemodel
Update array in codeigniter

I have a table menu w/c contains of(recipe_id,ingredient_id,category_id).I was trying to update …

php codeigniter updatemodel
Django Updating Existing Model field

I have a model in Django with a foreign key to Django User Model. I am trying to update my …

django django-models django-forms insert-update updatemodel
What Does UpdateModel() Do?

In layman's terms, what does UpdateModel() do, as well as TryUpdateModel()? I can't seem to find (on SO or the …

c# updatemodel
UpdateModel not updating the model via ViewModel and property from DropDownListFor

I am trying to set up an Edit view on which I have a text box and DropDownListFor. I have … viewmodel updatemodel