Top "Unordered-map" questions

is a C++ class that is an associative container storing a combination of a key value and a mapped value allowing for quick retrieval of elements based on their keys.

Pre-allocating buckets in a C++ std::unordered_map

I'm using the std::unordered_map from gnu++0x to store a huge amount of data. I want to pre-allocate …

c++ unordered-map buckets
Remove Elements from an Unordered Map Fulfilling a Predicate

I want to remove elements (histogram bins) from an std::unordered_map (histogram) that fulfills a predictate (histogram bins having …

c++ unordered-map remove-if
Defining custom hash function and equality function for unordered_map

I am trying to define a type of unordered_map that has a custom hash function and equality comparison function. …

c++ templates unordered-map
C++ std::unordered_map complexity

I've read a lot about unordered_map (c++11) time-complexity here at stackoverflow, but I haven't found the answer for my …

c++ stl iteration time-complexity unordered-map
std::unordered_map initialization

When I access an element in std::unordered_map using operator [] for the first time, it is automatically created. What (…

c++ std unordered-map
Hashing pointers as Keys for unordered_map in C++ STL

I posted a similar quetion regarding using pointers as Keys on maps in C++ STL. How are pointers hashed in …

c++ hash stl unordered-map
C++ <map> vs <unordered_map> vs <tr1/unordered_map> vs <ext/unordered_map>

I'm currently looking for a better alternative to std::map and have come across classes mentioned in the post title. …

c++ c++11 tr1 unordered-map
a C++ hash map that preserves the order of insertion

I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include "boost/unordered_map.hpp" using namespace std; using namespace boost; …

c++ unordered-map html-lists multi-index
Why would map be much faster than unordered_map?

I implemented a search caching results that consist of keys of type State (a class with 7 short ints) and values …

c++ dictionary stl unordered-map
Using an unordered_map with arrays as keys

I don't understand why I can't have an unordered_map with an array<int,3> as the key type: #…

c++ c++11 stl unordered-map