Top "Buckets" questions

Hive - Efficient join of two tables

I am joining two large tables in Hive (one is over 1 billion rows, one is about 100 million rows) like so: …

optimization join hive buckets
How to access Aggregations result with elasticSearch java api in SearchResponse?

Is there a way to retrieve the aggregations' buckets in a search response, with the java API ? { "took" : 185, "timed_out" : …

java elasticsearch buckets
Elasticsearch terms aggregation by strings in an array

How can I write an Elasticsearch terms aggregation that splits the buckets by the entire term rather than individual tokens? …

arrays elasticsearch aggregation buckets
Python Pandas Create New Bin/Bucket Variable with pd.qcut

How do you create a new Bin/Bucket Variable using pd.qut in python? This might seem elementary to experienced …

python pandas bins buckets
How can we decide the total no. of buckets for a hive table

i am bit new to hadoop. As per my knowledge buckets are fixed no. of partitions in hive table and …

hive numbers formula buckets
Ruby Amazon S3 Access Denied when listing buckets

Ruby newb here. I was given access creds to data on the amazon cloud. Im beginning to think the access …

ruby-on-rails ruby amazon-s3 amazon-web-services buckets
Pre-allocating buckets in a C++ std::unordered_map

I'm using the std::unordered_map from gnu++0x to store a huge amount of data. I want to pre-allocate …

c++ unordered-map buckets
AWS S3 Bucket with Multiple Regions

I have an AWS S3 bucket which is set for the US Standard region but I want it to work …

amazon-web-services amazon-s3 bucket regions buckets
Hive clustered by on more than one column

I understand that when the hive table has clustered by on one column, then it performs a hash function of …

hadoop hive buckets
CommandException: "mb" command does not support "file://" URLs. Did you mean to use a gs:// URL?

I am running Google Cloud Shell on my Windows 7, when trying to fire a new bucket on my PRJOECT I …

google-cloud-storage buckets