Top "Unix-timestamp" questions

The number of seconds between a particular date and the Unix Epoch on January 1st, 1970

How to convert date time into unix epoch value in Postgres?

How do I convert the following format to UNIX timestamps? A value like: 01-02-2015 10:20 PM should be converted to: 1418273999000 …

postgresql datetime unix-timestamp
How to test if a given time-stamp is in seconds or milliseconds?

Assume a given variable, it is containing a UNIX time-stamp, but whether it is in seconds or milliseconds format is …

python datetime timestamp unix-timestamp
Convert Unix timestamp into datetime

I have the following data frame > head(try) creates time 1 128.29508 1417392072 3 236.98361 1417392072 7 98.45902 1417392072 9 157.44068 1417392131 10 227.38333 1417392131 11 242.03390 1417392131 > str(try) 'data.frame': 102968 obs. of 2 variables: $ creates: …

r datetime dataframe unix-timestamp epoch
Ordering WP Posts by Custom Meta Key

I created a WordPress custom post type to be able to create events, select the event's date, and display the …

wordpress unix-timestamp getdate
new Date().getTime() not returning timestamp in milliseconds

I've a class which is using java.util.Date class to create a date object and using getTime() to get …

java unix-timestamp gettime
How to generate a UTC Unix Timestamp in C#

Possible Duplicate: How to convert UNIX timestamp to DateTime and vice versa? How can I create a unix timestamp in …

c# date time unix-timestamp
Convert unix timestamp to javascript date Object

Am working with json api that represents dates like this "date" : "/Date(1356081900000)/" I want to turn this into regular javascript …

javascript date unix-timestamp
Convert milliseconds to Timestamp

I know that to convert a Unix timestamp in milliseconds to an SQL timestamp I can use SELECT TO_DATE(…

sql oracle timestamp unix-timestamp milliseconds
How to write bigint (timestamp in milliseconds) value as timestamp in postgresql

I'm trying to store in timestamp with timezone field my value. It is in milliseconds from 1970. select TO_CHAR(TO_…

postgresql timestamp unix-timestamp milliseconds bigint
Mysql: Convert DB from local time to UTC

I need to convert an existing (datetime fields) db from local time ut UTC. The values are stored ad datetimes …

mysql timezone utc unix-timestamp