I am using unity 4.6 to develop a small game. There is no gui text object in the menu. Therefore I created an empty object and added gui text as a component. But it does not display the text I type. Need help on this. Thank you
I think that 4.6 is when they introduced the new UI system so you can use that.It is actually pretty easy...from the drop down menu that you created the game object go to UI. There you can select from a number UI options one of witch is Text or UI Text if my memory serves me well. When you click it it will create a canvas object and UI Text object that is a child of the Canvas.From here just select the Text object and in the inspector you have a textbox which should serve your need :) Also the Canvas is your screen in the sense that if you drag your text to the top left corner of the Canvas(in the scene view) your text will be in the top left corner of the screen when you start your game(at least in the default settings). Hope that helps!
P.S. Also here is a link to the new UI article that the Unity guys have on their site: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/live-training-archive/the-new-ui