Top "Unity-container" questions

The Unity Application Block (i.e. Unity) is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container for .NET with support for interception.

What is different between and purpose of MEF and Unity?

I just start study DI (I'm working on WPF/Silverlight but I have a plan to move to ASP.NET). …

.net dependency-injection unity-container mef
Web Api Start up Exceptions with IDependencyResolver implementation

I am developing a Web Api and I decided to use custom DependencyResolver. I refer this [Dependency Injection for Web …

dependency-injection unity-container dependency-resolver
IoC in class library. Where to bootstrap

I'm using a class library that can be reused by other components. In this class library I'm using unity for …

c# dependency-injection inversion-of-control unity-container
Specify constructor for the Unity IoC container to use

I'm using the Unity IoC container for resolving my objects. However, I've run into an issue. When I have more …

c# .net unity-container ioc-container
Implicitly injecting dependency in Base class while derived class is resolved through Unity

I have a base Class Base having dependecy Dep and default and Injection Constructor- Class Base : IBase { public IDep Dep { …

c# dependency-injection unity-container constructor-injection
Unity not using the default constructor of the class

I have this class : public class Repo { public Repo() : this(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["identity"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["password"]) { } public Repo(string identity,…

c# .net inversion-of-control unity-container
Configure Unity DI for ASP.NET Identity

I'm using Unity successfully for all regular constructor injection such as repositories etc., but I can't get it working with …

c# dependency-injection unity-container
Dependency Injection in attributes

I am trying to inject a dependency into a custom AuthorizeAttribute as follows: public class UserCanAccessArea : AuthorizeAttribute { readonly IPermissionService permissionService; …

c# authentication dependency-injection unity-container
Entity Framework using Repository Pattern, Unit of Work and Unity

Using a combination provided from this example and this implementation I am trying to create a solution that decouples the …

entity-framework inversion-of-control unity-container repository-pattern unit-of-work
Resolve instance with multiple constructors using unity

I'd like to create an instance of a class using unity where the class has two constructors with the same …

c# unity-container ioc-container