Top "Unique-id" questions

Anything related to the generation and management of unique identifiers, i.e. pieces of information (such as strings, numbers, etc.

Alternate for select <sequence>.nextval from dual of Oracle in SQL Server?

Is there any way to create a unique sequence no in SQL Server select <sequence>.nextval from dual …

sql-server oracle unique-id
Generate a Unique ID using PHP and MYSQL

Hi I am creating a system that processes and ID and a UID, The UID we are generating randomly but …

php mysql uid unique-id
Unique Id creation of a fixed length

Well, I have been looking at ways to generate UIDs in java code (most of them coming to stackoverflow too). …

java random uniqueidentifier uid unique-id
How do I get a unique identifier for a machine running Windows 8 in C#?

I'm working on a Metro app written in C# and need a way to uniquely identify a device. I found …

c# windows-8 windows-store-apps unique-id