Top "Unicorn" questions

A unicorn is a magical weaponized HTTP server for Ruby.

What exactly is a pre-fork web server model?

I want to know what exactly it means when a web server describes itself as a pre-fork web server. I …

apache webserver unicorn gunicorn preforking
Rewrite - forward server IP to domain url nginx

I'd like to have the IP of my server be rewritten as a domain name url but I'm having the …

nginx ip forwarding unicorn
Starting or restarting Unicorn with Capistrano 3.x

I'm trying to start or restart Unicorn when I do cap production deploy with Capistrano 3.0.1. I have some examples that …

ruby nginx unicorn capistrano3
Unable to bind to port 80, but running on the current shell works without any issues

I get the following error while trying to run "cap production unicorn:start" F, [2013-07-12T04:36:18.134045 #28998] FATAL -- : error …

ruby-on-rails capistrano sudo unicorn rvm-capistrano
Set unicorn timeout

I use rails 3.0.11, ruby 1.9.3-p0, nginx 1.0.4 and unicorn 3.6.2 for my project. And I have got a problem. I have to …

ruby-on-rails ruby unicorn
Unicorn: Which number of worker processes to use?

I am running a Ruby on Rails app on a virtual Linux server that is capped at 1GB RAM. Currently, …

ruby-on-rails performance optimization memory-management unicorn
start unicorn app server when the ubuntu server starts

I am running my rails application using ruby enterprise edition with unicorn as app server. I run this command bundle …

ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-3 unicorn
bundler incorrectly trying to install "development" and "test" group gems in production

I have a small web app, which uses a bunch of gems. Some of them are only used for test …

ruby-on-rails gem bundle bundler unicorn
https redirect for rails app behind proxy?

server declaration in my nginx.conf: listen ssl; root /var/www/myapp/current/public; ssl on; ssl_certificate /etc/nginx-cert/…

ruby-on-rails https nginx unicorn proxypass
Thin vs Unicorn on Heroku

Just wanted to get people's opinions on using Unicorn vs Thin as a rails server. Most of the articles/benchmarks …

ruby-on-rails heroku thin unicorn