Top "Ujs" questions

UJS is an unobtrustive JavaScript adapter for jQuery, provided by the Ruby on Rails project.

Rails data-disable-with re-enabling button

I have a Rails Devise form that has javascript validation. When the user presses submit, the validation works and the …

javascript jquery ruby-on-rails ujs
Rails 4: Disable submit button after click

I have a form_tag(foo_path(@foo), remote: true, id: 'foo-form' form and a submit button submit_tag ("Submit", :…

jquery ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4 ujs
Rails 3 remote form: How do I specify the content type?

I am using Rails 3.2, I have a form and I want it to be posted via ajax and have the …

ruby-on-rails ajax ruby-on-rails-3 forms ujs
Simple example of Rails 3 + UJS using Ajax to make a remote call, and rendering the resulting JSON object

I'm trying to add some Ajax functionality in my Rails 3 app. Specifically, I want a button that will submit an …

ajax json ruby-on-rails-3 ujs
Rails 3 UJS - controller gets called twice by link_to :remote

I have a weird problem where JQuery is creating two AJAX requests for a link_to method. I am developing …

jquery ruby-on-rails-3 ujs
How to render in app/views?

Using Rails 3.1 jquery_ujs, I have a link with :remote => true, and the controller new action responds with js …

jquery ruby-on-rails asset-pipeline ujs
isotope doesn't reLayout when items are appended

I am trying to append new items to a container via ajax request on Rails (jsfiddle with explanation is provided …

jquery ajax ruby-on-rails-3 jquery-isotope ujs
Element.update is not a function [Rails 3 + JQuery]

I'm attempting to integrate JQuery into Rails 3. I've downloaded the rails.js file from and …

jquery ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 ujs
Simple like/unlike button with rails 3, jquery, and ajax

I have a product, user, and like model. A user can like a product. I am trying to implement a …

jquery ajax ruby-on-rails-3 ujs
ajax:success and ajax:complete callback doesn't work when using UJS in Rails

I have a link that when i click on it will trigger an ajax call then replace this link by …

jquery ruby-on-rails ajax ujs