The UITextView class implements the behavior for a scrollable, multiline text region in iOS.
Before I was using this method.... //TextView is a UITextView [TextView scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange([TextView length], 0)]; ...which would programmatically scroll to …
iphone uiscrollview uitextview ios4 uitextviewdelegateSo I've set up a notification for the keyboard appearance event. Now let us consider a UITextView and a UITextField. [[…
ios iphone uitextfield uitextview uikeyboardI'm trying to use a UIWebView for displaying content higher than the screen of the iPhone, without needing to scroll …
iphone uiwebview uiscrollview uitextview autoresizeUsing my custom arabic keyboard on UItextView inputView, I m filling my textView with the arabic text but cannot get …
iphone objective-c ios uitextview inputviewI use the UITextViewDelegate and add a InputAccessoryView in textViewDidBeginEditing: [textView setInputAccessoryView:doneBar]; The doneBar is not nil and it …
iphone objective-c uitextview uitextviewdelegatei want to implement Code by which i can start to insert text at any position of cursor in UITextView …
iphone ios uitextview uitextviewdelegateThis is the problem : when MessageComposeViewController has been dismissed, my textView doesn't become the first responder and the keyboard doesn't …
ios uitextview becomefirstresponderI use UIPasteboard to copy/paste text between two UITextView. Code looks like this: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; pasteBoard = […
ios cocoa-touch uitextview uipasteboardThe UITextView has a method named setContentToHTMLString that displays html inside a UITextView. But this is a private API and …
iphone html input uitextview richtextI have the following TextView: <TextView id="textFieldBody" hint="Some hint" text="{{ }}" editable="true" class="TextField" returnKeyType="done" /> …
textview uitextview nativescript