Top "Uitableviewsectionheader" questions

Changing Font Size For UITableView Section Headers

Can someone please instruct me on the easiest way to change the font size for the text in a UITableView …

ios objective-c swift uitableview uitableviewsectionheader
UITableView : viewForHeaderInSection: not called during reloadData:

I've set up the tableview with correct delegate and datasource linkages.. the reloadData method calls the datasource and the delegate …

ios uitableview uitableviewsectionheader
How to set a custom cell as header or footer of UITableView

I am using Xib files instead of storyboard. I have created a table view with some dummy data. Its working …

ios swift uitableview custom-cell uitableviewsectionheader
How do you change the colour of a section title in a tableview?

Here is what I have at the moment. How do I refer to this so that I can change the …

ios swift tableview uitableviewsectionheader
UITableView Section Header not showing

I'm trying to make section headers with autolayout. A simple header with a title and a counter class ProfilePeopleListHeaderViewCell: UIView { …

ios swift uitableview autolayout uitableviewsectionheader
UITableView Section Header Automatic Height Not Updated Properly

I am running into an issue with automatic/dynamic UITableView section header views that contain a UILabel that wraps (numberOfLines = 0). …

ios uitableview uitableviewsectionheader uitableviewautomaticdimension