Top "Uitableviewrowaction" questions

UITableViewRowAction image for title

I made a custom UITableViewRowAction. Now I'd like to add an image instead of the text. I know that it's …

ios uitableview swift xcode6 uitableviewrowaction
How to change UITableViewRowAction title color?

Am using UITableViewRowAction in "editActionsForRowAtIndexPath" method. I can change the backgroundcolor of UITableViewRowAction, but am not able to change the …

ios objective-c uitableview ios8 uitableviewrowaction
How to do custom font and color in UITableViewRowAction without Storyboard

I have classic TableView where you can delete item if you swipe and than clicking on the button. I know …

ios iphone uitableview swift uitableviewrowaction
I implemented editActionsForRowAtIndexPath and commitEditingStyle but no edit actions appear on the tableViewCell when swiping the cell

I implemented editActionsForRowAtIndexPath and commitEditingStyle the swipe is working but no edit actions appear on the UITableViewCell my implementation for …

ios swift uitableview tableviewcell uitableviewrowaction
How to add image to row action in Table View?

How to add custom image to delete button when swiping cell from right on UITableview as shown in the below …

ios swift tableview uitableviewrowaction
Custom table view row action (image)

My app includes an UITableView. It's cells has the option to display more than one line. The cells has also …

ios swift cocoa-touch uitableviewrowaction
UITableViewRowAction with icon and text

There are a couple of similar questions out there, but I think there should be up an up to date …

swift uitableview uitableviewrowaction